Some carrot juice recipes provided by the same male author as the one that I posted in the previous post:

Profile photo for Weights Loss Diet

Weights Loss Diet · 


Health Director | Loving Father | Business Director

Carrot juice is a healthy and delicious drink that is packed with nutrients. It’s a great way to add more vitamins and minerals to your diet, and it’s easy to make at home. In this article, we will share some delicious carrot juice recipes that you can try at home.

1. Classic Carrot Juice


– 4-5 medium carrots

– 1 apple

– 1 inch of ginger


1. Wash the carrots, apple, and ginger and cut them into small pieces.

2. Put the ingredients into a juicer and blend until smooth.

3. Pour the juice into a glass and enjoy.

This classic carrot juice recipe is a great way to start your day. It’s sweet and spicy, and the ginger adds a nice kick.

2. Carrot Pineapple Juice


– 4-5 medium carrots

– 1/2 cup pineapple chunks

– 1/4 cup orange juice


1. Wash the carrots and cut them into small pieces.

2. Put the carrots, pineapple, and orange juice into a juicer and blend until smooth.

3. Pour the juice into a glass and enjoy.

This carrot pineapple juice is a tropical twist on the classic carrot juice. The pineapple adds a sweet and tangy flavor that complements the carrots perfectly.

3. Carrot Beetroot Juice


– 4-5 medium carrots

– 1 small beetroot

– 1/4 cup lemon juice


1. Wash the carrots and beetroot and cut them into small pieces.

2. Put the carrots, beetroot, and lemon juice into a juicer and blend until smooth.

3. Pour the juice into a glass and enjoy.

This carrot beetroot juice is a great way to detox your body. The beets are packed with antioxidants and the lemon juice adds a refreshing citrus flavor.

4. Carrot Apple Ginger Shot


– 2-3 medium carrots

– 1 apple

– 1 inch of ginger


1. Wash the carrots, apple, and ginger and cut them into small pieces.

2. Put the ingredients into a juicer and blend until smooth.

3. Pour the juice into a shot glass and enjoy.

This carrot apple ginger shot is a great way to boost your immune system. The ginger adds a spicy kick that will wake you up in the morning.

5. Carrot Cucumber Juice


– 4-5 medium carrots

– 1 cucumber

– 1/4 cup mint leaves


1. Wash the carrots, cucumber, and mint leaves and cut them into small pieces.

2. Put the ingredients into a juicer and blend until smooth.

3. Pour the juice into a glass and enjoy.

This carrot cucumber juice is a refreshing drink that’s perfect for hot summer days. The cucumber adds a cool and refreshing flavor that complements the carrots perfectly.

In conclusion, there are many delicious carrot juice recipes that you can try at home. Whether you prefer a classic carrot juice or a more exotic flavor combination, there is a recipe out there that will suit your taste buds. So why not give one of these recipes a try and enjoy the health benefits of drinking carrot juice?


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Is carrot juice healthy?


Weights Loss Diet · 


Health Director | Loving Father | Business Director10mo

Carrot juice is considered to be a healthy and nutritious drink that is packed with essential vitamins and minerals. This juice is made from fresh carrots that are juiced using a juicer or blender. Carrot juice is a rich source of beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant that is known to help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. In this article, we will explore the health benefits of carrot juice in detail.

One of the main benefits of carrot juice is that it is rich in vitamin A. This vitamin is essential for maintaining healthy skin, eyesight, and immune system function. Carrot juice is also a good source of vitamin C, which is another powerful antioxidant that helps to boost the immune system and protect the body against illnesses such as the common cold.

Carrot juice is also rich in potassium, which is an important mineral that helps to regulate blood pressure and prevent heart disease. In addition, it contains folate, which is an essential nutrient that is needed for healthy red blood cells and DNA synthesis.

Another benefit of drinking carrot juice is that it can help to improve digestion. Carrot juice is a good source of dietary fiber, which is essential for maintaining healthy bowel movements and preventing constipation. Drinking carrot juice can also help to soothe an upset stomach and reduce inflammation in the digestive tract.

Carrot juice is also known to be beneficial for the skin. The vitamin A in carrot juice helps to promote healthy skin by reducing the appearance of acne, wrinkles, and fine lines. Additionally, carrot juice contains antioxidants that protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, which can lead to premature aging.

In addition, carrot juice is a low-calorie drink that can be a great addition to a weight loss diet. It is a good source of complex carbohydrates, which provide long-lasting energy without causing spikes in blood sugar levels. Drinking carrot juice can also help to curb cravings for sugary or unhealthy foods.

However, it is important to note that consuming too much carrot juice can have negative side effects. Carrot juice is high in vitamin A, and consuming excessive amounts can lead to a condition called hypervitaminosis A, which can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. Additionally, drinking too much carrot juice can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, which can be problematic for people with diabetes.

In conclusion, carrot juice is a healthy and nutritious drink that is packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Drinking carrot juice can provide a range of health benefits, including improved digestion, better skin health, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases. However, it is important to consume carrot juice in moderation to avoid negative side effects.

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Is microwaving food safe?

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By: HarmonyHub Wellness · 

CEO, Health Consultant & Online Entrepreneur at Health (2018–present)Jan 14

Is food cooked in a microwave oven bad for your health?

Microwave ovens have become a common kitchen appliance, offering convenience and speed in meal preparation. Many people wonder whether cooking food in a microwave is safe and if it affects the nutritional value of the food. Let’s delve into the topic in straightforward terms.

How Microwaves Work:

Microwave ovens use electromagnetic waves to generate heat. These waves cause water molecules in the food to vibrate, generating heat and cooking the food. Unlike conventional ovens that heat the air around the food, microwaves cook from the inside out.

Nutrient Retention:

One concern is whether microwaving affects the nutritional content of food. The truth is, cooking by any method, including microwaving, can cause some nutrient loss. However, microwaving is generally considered one of the gentler cooking methods. The quick cooking time helps preserve more nutrients compared to prolonged cooking.

Effect on Food Composition:

Microwaving doesn’t fundamentally alter the composition of food. It doesn’t make food radioactive or introduce harmful substances. The primary changes occur due to the heat generated during cooking. Just like any cooking method, microwaving can cause chemical changes in food, such as the breakdown of certain vitamins and antioxidants. However, these changes are not unique to microwaving and occur with other cooking methods as well.

Preservation of Nutrients:

Microwaving can be advantageous for preserving nutrients because of its shorter cooking times. The faster cooking process minimizes exposure to heat, helping retain more vitamins and minerals. Steaming or microwaving vegetables, for instance, can often preserve more nutrients than boiling.

Safety Considerations:

Using microwave-safe containers and avoiding plastics not labeled for microwave use is essential. Microwaving in approved containers prevents the release of harmful chemicals into your food. It’s also advisable to follow recommended cooking guidelines and stir or rotate food during microwaving to ensure even cooking.

Microwave vs. Other Cooking Methods:

While microwaving has its benefits, it’s just one of many cooking methods. Each method has its impact on food composition. A balanced approach, incorporating various cooking techniques, can contribute to a diverse and nutritious diet.

In conclusion, cooking food in a microwave oven is generally safe and does not inherently make food less nutritious. It’s essential to use proper containers, follow recommended guidelines, and maintain a balanced cooking approach. As with any cooking method, moderation and a varied diet contribute to overall health and well-being.

Blogger’s own two cents’ worth: For me, I don’t have a microwave and always use the air fryer or steam buns etc.

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Protein sources other than eggs

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Author: Rene · 

Food Blogger (2022–present) Jan 1 2024

Which foods have a high quantity of protein?

6 Foods that have more protein than egg

Protein is an essential part for a healthy diet. But most of us think that eggs are the best source of protein, which is not true.

Here are six good source of protein beyond eggs.

  1. Quinoa :-

This super grain is rich in protein along with fibre and amino acids. One cup cooked provides about 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber with nine essential amino acids.

2. Tofu :-

This is a powerful source of protein for vegans and vegetarians. Make soups smoothie and stir fries with tofu. 100ams of tofu contains 76 calories with 17 grams protein, 3 grams carbs, 2 grams fiber, and 9 grams of fat. It also covers the daily value of calcium 53%, manganese 51%, copper 42%, Vitamin A 18% and magnesium 14%.

3. Almonds :-

Almonds are rich in protein. Along with protein, these nuts are rich in healthy fats and other nutrients. Eating 10 almonds provides you with about 2.5 grams of protein.

4. Greek yogurt :-

Greek yogurt is higher in protein than regular yogurt and can be enjoyed at any time of the day. Greek yogurt it is an especially good source of bio-available protein, with approximately 5.7g of protein per 100g.

5. Peanut butter :-

Peanut butter is also an amazing source of protein. Can be used for breads, sandwiches and smoothies. Peanut butter contains 7.02 grams of protein per 2-tbsp serving.

6. Pumpkin seeds :-

Loaded with protein and zinc. Pumpkin seeds are an incredible addition to our smoothies, muffins. 100 grams of seeds provide 574 calories of energy, 49 grams of fat, 6.6 grams fibre and 30 grams of protein.


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Extracted from 7th edition on quora

How garlic works to boost one’s immunity, è una piattaforma online popolare in cui gli utenti possono fare domande, condividere conoscenze e partecipare a discussioni su una vasta gamma di argomenti. Serve come punto di riferimento per le persone che cercano informazioni e approfondimenti da parte di altre persone provenienti da diverse discipline e interessi. Con una base di utenti estesa, Quora offre una serie diversificata di risposte che riflettono le prospettive e le esperienze di individui di ogni estrazione.

Su Quora, è possibile trovare risposte a domande riguardanti la perdita di peso, diete salutari, routine di esercizi e altro ancora. Che tu stia cercando consigli su come perdere peso in modo efficace, stia cercando un piano alimentare equilibrato o stia cercando consigli su come mantenere uno stile di vita sano, ci sono numerosi thread e discussioni in cui puoi esplorare questi argomenti.

Weightlossdiet (sito web) è un’altra risorsa che puoi esplorare per informazioni legate alla perdita di peso e alle diete. Offre indicazioni su diversi approcci alimentari, regimi di esercizi e consigli motivazionali per supportare le persone nel loro percorso di perdita di peso. Il sito web fornisce una miscela di consigli pratici, conoscenze scientifiche e storie di successo vere per ispirare e informare i lettori.

Sfruttando la vasta conoscenza condivisa su piattaforme come Quora e siti web come Weightlossdiet, è possibile accedere a un’enorme quantità di informazioni e approfondimenti sulla perdita di peso e argomenti correlati. Ricorda di affrontare ogni consiglio con un pensiero critico e consultare professionisti sanitari prima di apportare modifiche significative alla tua dieta o alle tue routine di fitness.

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Some Important Facts You Need to Know About Vitamin B12

Here is an article that I found on tonight and would like to share with all alike:

Why is vitamin B12 so dangerous?

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient for the human body that plays a critical role in several important functions, including producing red blood cells, DNA synthesis, and nerve function. Unfortunately, vitamin B12 can be dangerous if not taken in the appropriate dosage and at the right time.

The most common risk associated with vitamin B12 is an overdose. Too much of this nutrient can cause adverse effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, and even serious health issues such as liver or kidney damage. Vitamin B12 is also unable to be adequately absorbed without certain acids found in the stomach or intestine, which can make the consequences of an overdose even more serious.

Another risk associated with vitamin B12 is the potential for interactions with other medications. While vitamin B12 is generally considered safe, it can react negatively with certain medications, such as certain antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs. Thus, it’s important to speak to your doctor before combining vitamin B12 and any other medications.

It’s also important to note that some people have a greater risk of developing a vitamin B12 deficiency or experiencing an adverse reaction from taking a large dose of this nutrient. People with certain health conditions, such as pernicious anemia, may have difficulty fully absorbing vitamin B12 from food, so they may be more likely to experience an overdose.

In addition, vegans and vegetarians are at an increased risk for developing a vitamin B12 deficiency, and thus, might require supplementation of this nutrient. However, due to the risks associated with vitamin B12, it is important that these individuals speak to their doctor about the appropriate dosage and timing of supplementation.

Overall, it’s important to recognize that vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient, but it’s also important to be aware of the potential risks associated with taking too much of it. Speak to your doctor for guidance on how to best incorporate this nutrient into your diet or use supplementation if necessary.

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Short cuts on the computer

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Profile photo for Mcleodproducts

Mcleodproducts · 

Business Consultant | Digital Marketing Services | IT GuruMay 22

What are useful keyboard shortcuts people probably don’t know about?

There are numerous keyboard shortcuts that people may not know about, and learning them can help you save time and increase productivity. Here are some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts:

1. Ctrl + A: Select all items on the current page or document.

2. Ctrl + C: Copy the selected item.

3. Ctrl + X: Cut the selected item.

4. Ctrl + V: Paste the copied or cut item.

5. Ctrl + Z: Undo the previous action.

6. Ctrl + Y: Redo the previous action.

7. Ctrl + F: Find a specific item or phrase.

8. Ctrl + S: Save the current document or file.

9. Ctrl + P: Print the current document or file.

10. Ctrl + N: Open a new document or file.

11. Ctrl + O: Open an existing document or file.

12. Ctrl + W: Close the current document or file.

13. Ctrl + Tab: Switch between open tabs or windows.

14. Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab or window.

15. Ctrl + Shift + N: Open a new private browsing window.

16. Ctrl + Shift + Delete: Clear browsing history, cookies, and cached data.

17. Alt + Tab: Switch between open programs or windows.

18. Alt + F4: Close the current program or window.

19. Windows Key + D: Minimize all open windows and show desktop.

20. Windows Key + L: Lock your computer.

21. Windows Key + E: Open File Explorer.

22. Windows Key + R: Open the Run dialog box.

23. Windows Key + I: Open the Settings app.

24. Windows Key + X: Open the Quick Link menu.

25. Windows Key + P: Project to a different screen or display.

26. Windows Key + S: Open the Search bar.

27. Windows Key + L: Open the Language settings.

28. Windows Key + U: Open the Ease of Access settings.

29. Windows Key + G: Open the Game Bar.

30. Windows Key + Spacebar: Change the input language or keyboard layout.

These are just a few of the many keyboard shortcuts available in Windows and other operating systems. By learning and utilizing these shortcuts, you can save time and increase productivity.

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Scoop on vegetables

Do you know which vegetable is the most nutritious and held in high regard? Make a guess. 🙂

Spinach? Cauliflower? Zucchini? Kale? Broccoli???

If you guessed ‘broccoli’, you guessed right! Here is a short article about broccoli’s nutrition content:

It is extracted from Man, has so MANY useful and interesting articles!

Which vegetable(s) has the highest protein?

The protein content of broccoli (西 兰花) is much higher than other vegetables.

The protein content of ordinary vegetables is between 1% and 2%, while the protein content of broccoli is as high as 3.5% to 4.5%.

The nutrient composition of broccoli is not only high in content, but also very comprehensive, mainly including protein, carbohydrate, fat, minerals, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and carotene.

In addition, broccoli contains calcium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iron, manganese and other minerals, and its mineral content is much higher than other vegetables.

Broccoli is a low-calorie vegetable, 100 grams of broccoli contains only 30 calories. Eating broccoli will not gain weight.

Many nutritionists call broccoli the “King of Nutrition”.

Some facts about kale (羽 衣 甘蓝):

Is kale a cabbage or lettuce?

Kale is a type of cabbage with firm, curly leaves that do not form a head. It is usually deep green or purple, and is more closely related to wild cabbage than other popular varieties. Through much of history, kale was among the most commonly grown vegetables throughout Europe.

These vegetables offer health benefits, including supporting the immune system, regulating blood pressure and potentially reducing the risk of various types of cancer. People who may need to avoid or limit kale intake are those who form oxalate-containing kidney stones or take the blood thinners Coumadin or warfarin.

Kale provides more calcium and vitamin C per serving than spinach, whereas you will find more folate, vitamin A, and vitamin K in spinach than kale.

In Singapore, kale is seldom seen in wet markets and supermarkets. It however, has gained a recognition as a superfood and some fruit juices stalls have the option of kale in the ‘super’ vegetable and/or fruits drink.

Now on to spinach (菠菜):

Spinach is a nutritious, leafy green. This vegetable has been shown to benefit health in several ways. Spinach may decrease oxidative stress, improve eye health, and help prevent heart disease and cancer. If you’re interested in its health-boosting potential, spinach is an easy food to add to your diet.

One helpful tip from Google:

What is the most beneficial way to eat spinach?

Spinach, this dark leafy green, is packed full of iron, calcium, magnesium and fiber. But according to a new study, there is a right way to consume the vegetable, and the healthiest way to eat spinach is in juice or a smoothie.

Don’t forget, cartoon character Popeye the sailor man eats lots of spinach to stay strong!

Zucchini (夏南瓜):

Zucchini is more of a western world vegetable than in Asia. It can still be found in ‘high-class’ supermarkets in Singapore. I personally haven’t tasted zucchini before. Maybe I’ll try it one fine day.

According to Wikipedia, zucchini is also called ‘courgette’ and also known as ‘baby marrow’.

The above url does a good job on informing the masses about the nutrition of this vegetable.

Another url:

It teaches us how to cook this vegetable.

And lastly, on cauliflower (花椰菜):

Cauliflower is a heart-friendly vegetable thanks to a plant compound called sulforaphane. Acting as an antioxidant, sulforaphane reduces the inflammatory damage caused by oxidative stress, a process which plays a central role in the development of heart disease. In this way it helps reduce blood pressure and atherosclerosis.

2.High in choline (I’d posted a blog on choline —it’s the previous article in early July’23).

Top 5 health benefits of cauliflower | BBC Good Food…

Ok, I’ve introduced the above five nutrient-dense vegetables. I hope you have learnt a lot. I certainly did,typing this blog entry.

Finally, I would like to credit Quora, Google and Wikipedia for the above images.

May everyone enjoy the rest of this month of July and leave me a message if you like my blog entries!!

Signing off!

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Choline sources for vegans. Good news!!

Do visit the above url for more information. Great read indeed.

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Is ladyfinger good for health?

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